Taste the 413 is a website focused on promoting local restaurants and tastey food events in Western MA.
How do I get my business on Taste the 413?
Please visit our Add a Restaurant page to learn more about getting your business on Taste the 413. We are constantly growing the list of approved businesses!
Is Taste the 413 available in languages other than English?
Currently our site is only available in English.
What zip codes does the Taste the 413?
Taste the 413 serves all of the 413 area code.
Is there a mobile app?
A mobile version of our site is currently in development and will be released this year. Stay tuned!
How do I report a post I feel is inappropriate?
If you feel that a post is inappropriate please email us at tastethe413@gmail.com and we will address it as fast as possible. Please be sure to include the restaurant name and inappropriate copy.